New Hope Farm got it’s original true start from a college business plan that I had to write to finish my bachelor’s degree back in 2015. I was stumped on what to write about until I read an article about how you’ll never have to work a day in your life if you love your job. I couldn’t imagine loving a job, but I did love the dream of starting a farm. 

My business plan college assignment ended up being a huge hit and I had an incredible professor who pushed me to make my farm dream come to life. 

I made a list of every step that it would take to make my farm a reality and with the help of God, everything started to fall into place. 

I love to cook, especially grilling and smoking. I have won a few military chili cook-offs, which has been a big hit over the last few years. My success at cooking has always been from using the best ingredients I can possibly find. 

As I am sure most of you know if you are on my website, nothing beats local pasture raised farm meats. Grocery store beef, chicken, and pork is so bland and there’s no telling what those animals were fed, how they were processed, the living conditions of those animals, etc..

I had a plan. I was going to search out the best tasting beef, chicken, and pork that I could possibly find and offer it to my amazing customers. After a few years of trial and error, I now raise and sell some of the tastiest beef, pork, and chicken that you have ever had in your entire life. 

Selling the best tasting meats was not going to be enough. I also knew I wanted to raise livestock in a way to where they could thrive in an extremely healthy environment without using all the recommended medicines that are on the market and suggested to be used. When Noah loaded up the ark, I didn’t read where he put the elephants and giraffes in head chutes and gave them all rounds of antibiotics before boarding. Wild buffalo, elk, deer, and many other wild animals don’t have vaccinations, antibiotics, dewormer, etc and they survive excellently. So I only vaccinate my animals if they are showing signs of being sick. I also give them plenty of pasture to graze on, fresh clean water, and the best grain that money can buy to promote incredible marbling. 

This is just the very beginning for New Hope Farm. Amazing things are coming because God has been and will be my partner through this entire journey. I am sure that the future will present many challenges and I know that I will continue to learn something new from farming every single year up until I retire from it. 

My goal and mission statement is to promote and raise old school heritage livestock in an effort to bring amazing flavors to your dinner tables!